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Wrongful Death Attorneys in Beaumont, Texas

Did You Lose a Loved One Due to Wrongful Death in Beaumont?

At the Hollingsworth Law Firm, our compassionate Beaumont wrongful death attorneys know that losing a loved one is one of the most difficult times anyone can endure. When someone is taken from our Texas residents tragically, during an accident or another event that could have been prevented, our Jefferson County wrongful death attorneys want to help ensure their stories are told.

Our skilled Beaumont wrongful death attorneys have spent more than three combined decades working on both sides of the courtroom, gaining unparalleled experience of the inner workings of some of the world’s largest insurance companies, and transforming that knowledge into wins for our clients. We can pursue the same results for you and your family.

Our skilled legal staff offers services in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Mandarin because we believe in inclusion, fairness, and justice. It is only possible to successfully represent the people in our communities when we can successfully represent all people.

Contact us today to learn more.

Wrongful Death Attorneys in Beaumont

What Types of Accidents and Events Can Lead to Wrongful Death Claims in Beaumont, Texas?

Since 2003, our Beaumont wrongful death attorneys have helped individuals and families navigate the often-overwhelming legal journey to hold negligent parties liable for the losses of their loved ones.

We have worked tirelessly to pursue real results for clients who have lost their loved one to negligence during:

Our Beaumont wrongful death attorneys and support staff provide straightforward legal advice that allows our clients to make informed decisions about their cases every step of the way.

Our law firm founder, Steve Hollingworth, has been the lead attorney in over 50 jury trials as lead counsel in over a dozen different Texas counties. Should your case go to trial, we will be ready to aggressively pursue the positive outcome you deserve in front of a judge and/or jury.

The insurance company will value a case more if they know the firm is willing to go to trial. At the Hollingworth Law Firm, we are more than willing — we remain trial ready.

Which Family Members are Eligible to Pursue a Wrongful Death Claim in Texas?

If you believe the death of your loved one was the result of another person or party’s negligence, you may be eligible to file a wrongful death claim in Texas.

Texas wrongful death law specifies that eligible family members include the deceased person’s:

  • Spouse
  • Children
  • Parents

If none of these parties exist, or if they choose not to file a wrongful death claim within three years of their loved one’s death, the deceased’s estate administrator or personal representative may file a wrongful death claim instead.

The only time this is not true is if all the eligible surviving family members specifically request that the wrongful death lawsuit not be filed.

If you have questions about your eligibility to file a wrongful death claim in Texas, contact our trusted personal injury lawyers in Beaumont today to discuss your potential case during a free consultation.

Why Do Family Members File Wrongful Death Claims in Texas?

When Texas residents lose a family member to negligence — like a fatal crash caused by a drunk driver, a plant explosion, or a maritime accident, to name a few — they must first suffer through the tragic reality that this person is gone forever.

Sadly, this loss often results in another tragic realization that the family’s finances may suffer greatly as a result. Whether it is medical bills that were incurred before the individual died or funeral and burial expenses, the costs associated with his or her death are going to become apparent while the family is still grieving.

In addition, if the deceased family member was the primary earner, the family will suffer from significant financial losses, including their lost earning capacity and benefits. Worst of all, the family will lose the love, support, advice, care, maintenance, companionship, services, and counsel of their loved one offered. We want to help you regain your physical, emotional, and financial footing by holding the at-fault party liable for your family’s losses.

In Texas, the statute of limitations for filing a wrongful death claim is two years from the date of the person’s death. Contact our Beaumont personal injury firm for help today, and will speak directly with a wrongful death attorney, so you understand your legal rights and options right away. We will fight for each form of financial recovery you deserve through negotiations with the at-fault party’s insurance company or prepare your case with precision for trial. When you are ready to contact an accomplished wrongful death law firm in Beaumont, we are ready to hear your story.

Contact Our Compassionate Wrongful Death Attorneys in Beaumont, Texas Today

If your loved one lost their life to negligence in Texas, contact our dedicated Beaumont wrongful death lawyers at the Hollingsworth Law Firm today by calling 713-637-4560 or contact us online for a free case evaluation.

Our skilled bilingual wrongful death lawyers and support staff represent clients throughout the state of Texas on a contingency basis, so you never pay any legal fees unless we win your case.

If you are ready to fight for the compensation you deserve, so are we. Let us take the lead.

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