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Accident Caused Loss Of Limb Or Amputation? What To Know And What To Do

Injuries resulting in amputation devastate victims physically and mentally. This is known as “traumatic amputation”. When such injuries occur in accidents caused by the negligence of another party, victims are entitled to compensation. Whether they occur immediately in the accident or later as a consequence of an injury suffered in the accident, amputations are a debilitating wound. Continuous disability and sometimes a lifetime of pain – they may leave the victim unable to work, care for his or her family, and simply unable to enjoy life. In the process of determining fair compensation, there are a number of important issues that need to be considered and it is imperative to have experienced legal representation.

Common Causes

Traumatic amputation can occur in a number of ways including automobile accidents, construction accidents, pedestrian accidents, and workplace accidents. Accidents involving motor vehicles are the major cause of amputations. In car accidents, limbs are sometimes crushed or cut by sharp metal. Fingers, hands and legs can be harmed too significantly for reconstruction and need to be amputated surgically. Amputations are also often caused by accidents involving factories, farms or energy tools.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”) reports amputations in the workplace are common and require a range of facilities and operations. If the limb or digit is severed entirely, known as full amputation, either can likely be re-attached. If some soft tissue remains and connects the limb or digit to the body, this is known as partial amputation. Depending on the severity of the injury, the severed body part may or may not be able to be saved and reconnected. Additionally, a digit or limb may not be broken in the accident, but may be so damaged and so harmful, that it must be removed surgically.

While advances in prosthetic devices have enabled some amputees to regain mobility and functionality, many who lose limbs cannot conduct or operate in their prior capabilities. As a result, monetary loss becomes an essential component of any lawsuit.

Compensation In An Amputation Injury Cases May Include Money For:

  • Medical expenses
  • Prosthesis
  • Physical therapy
  • Lost income
  • Home and lifestyle modifications
  • Vocational training
  • And more

Amputations In Texas

From 2007 to 2012, the number of amputations conducted in Texas has risen 15 percent, nearly double the domestic average of 8.4 percent. Between 2007 and 2012, 77,416 amputation procedures were conducted in Texas. Of those, 6,142 were upper-limb amputations, approximately 10 percent of the national total. Over the same timeframe, there were over 71,000 lower-limb amputation procedures conducted.

If you or a loved one have suffered an amputation due to an accident caused by the negligence of someone else, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses. You should seek immediate legal guidance before discussing the matter with an insurance adjuster and signing any documents that may be legally binding.

An experienced attorney can assist you with making a personal injury claim. Hollingsworth Law Firm, PLLC is a firm you can trust to represent your best interest with honest and expert legal experience. We understand what you and your loved ones are going through, and we have been helping personal injury victims like you through the years. We can help you obtain the monetary compensation that may be owed to you.

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Our aggressive personal injury trial attorneys at the Hollingsworth Law Firm are committed to fighting for the compensation you deserve. If you are the victim of an automobile accidentairplane accidentworkplace injury or other catastrophic injury, you need legal advice from a personal injury attorney with proven results you can trust. Our dedicated legal team is proud to represent clients across the state of Texas. WE WILL START FIGHTING FOR YOUR RIGHTS TODAY!

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