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Experienced Lyft Accident Attorneys in Houston, Texas

Were You Injured in a Lyft Accident?

At the Hollingsworth Law Firm, our Houston personal injury attorneys know that Lyft provides alternative transportation options for Texas residents and visitors, all with the tap of an app.

This exceptionally popular service employs an estimated two million drivers in 644 U.S. cities — including Houston. The ease of hailing a ride with Lyft allows visitors to get a ride from the airport to their hotel and everywhere in between without renting a car, and residents to get dropped off at sporting events, concerts, or even lunch with friends without worrying where they will park.

The one thing nearly all riders have in common is that they trust the Lyft driver — and the company’s brand — to get them to and from their destinations safely. The one thing they overlook is that Lyft drivers are not invincible. They are just as likely to be involved in a car accident as any other driver.

The question becomes, who is liable for damages that result from a Lyft accident in Texas?

We have answers.

Injured in a Lyft Accident

What are the Most Common Causes of Lyft Accidents in Houston, Texas?

Lyft accidents are not unlike other car accidents, often resulting from negligent driving behaviors.

Common causes of Lyft accidents in Houston, Texas include, but are not limited to:

  • Distracted Driving

Lyft drivers rely on their phones or other electronic devices to accept rides, locate passengers on the map, or communicate with riders about where to pick them up. Even when riders are in the car, they manipulate the map to find drop-off locations or accept the next fare. This is the very definition of distracted driving and can lead to severe accidents.

  • Speeding

Driving at speeds higher than the posted limits or too fast for road conditions can lead to accidents. Speeding reduces reaction time and increases the severity of collisions.

  • Driver Fatigue

Long hours of driving without adequate rest can lead to driver fatigue, impairing reaction times and decision-making skills. When Lyft drivers are behind the wheel too long, they can lose focus, impacting their judgment and causing accidents without notice.

  • Impaired Driving

Unfortunately, Lyft drivers are not immune to driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Although riders trust that they are sober while working, this is not always the case, which can significantly increase the risk of accidents.

  • Failure to Obey Traffic Laws

Ignoring traffic signals, running red lights, and failing to yield the right of way can lead to collisions.

  • Aggressive Driving

Aggressive behaviors, like tailgating, weaving in and out of traffic, and road rage, can escalate situations and lead to accidents.

Who is Liable for Paying for the Damages that Result from a Lyft Accident in Houston, Texas?

Our Houston personal injury law office is commonly asked, “Does Lyft have to pay if I’m injured in an accident caused by one of its drivers?”

The answer is complex and depends on the working status of the driver when the accident occurs.

First, to drive for Lyft in Texas, the requirements include:

  • Meet the minimum age to drive in their city.
  • Have a valid in-state license.
  • Consent to complete a criminal background check and review their driving history.
  • Have a 4-door vehicle registered in the applicant’s name.
  • Proof of vehicle insurance.

The last element, proof of insurance, is essential after a crash.

Here’s why:

  • If the Lyft driver does not have their app activated and is not accepting rides, then their personal car insurance policy would be liable for any accident — just as if they were any other driver.
  • If the Lyft driver activates the app and waits to accept a ride, Lyft provides Lyft maintains third-party liability insurance for covered accidents if their driver’s personal insurance does not apply with limits of:
  • $50,000/person for bodily injury.
  • $100,000/accident for bodily injury.
  • $25,000/accident for property damage.

This coverage would apply if, for instance, a driver was liable for a crash while waiting to accept a ride.

  • If you are injured while actually riding in a Lyft — or someone else is hurt during an active ride — then Lyft’s insurance provides up to $1 million in third-party liability coverage.

It is crucial to note that just because you are injured in an accident while riding in a Lyft vehicle, that does not necessarily mean your Lyft driver was at fault. The accident may be the result of another driver’s negligence. Our skilled Lyft accident attorneys in Houston can help you sort through the details so you understand your legal rights and options to hold the liable party responsible for your damages.

Have You Been Injured in a Lyft Accident in Houston, Texas?

Contact our dedicated Houston Lyft accident and injury lawyers at the Hollingsworth Law Firm today by calling 713-637-4560 or contact us online for a free case evaluation.

Our skilled bilingual personal injury lawyers and support staff represent clients throughout Texas on a contingency basis, so you never pay any legal fees unless we win your case.

If you are ready to fight for the compensation you deserve, so are we. Let us take the lead.

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