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What Are the Texas Motorcycle Helmet Laws?

At the Hollingsworth Law Firm, our Houston motorcycle accident attorneys know that in Texas, specific riders — assuming they meet all the legal requirements — are not required to wear helmets.

Whether eligible riders prefer to wear helmets or go without is a personal choice. However, there are specific laws some riders must follow. There are also significant advantages to wearing motorcycle helmets every time they ride.

Here, our Harris County personal injury lawyers discuss both.

Texas Motorcycle Helmet Laws Explained

Motorcycle Helmet Laws

The Texas Motorcycle Operator Program states all Texas motorcycle operators and passengers must wear helmets that meet the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard #218 unless they are 21 or older and have completed the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) approved motorcycle operator training course or are covered by the appropriate amount of medical insurance.

However, riders’ chances of reaching their destination safely relate to their preparation before the ride. In Texas, riders can find a TDLR-approved motorcycle operating training course nearby to help them understand the riding requirements necessary to make it home safely after a ride.

Can Motorcycle Helmets and Safety Gear Help Save Lives?

The short answer is yes. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates over the last 15 years, more than 25,000 lives have been saved by wearing motorcycle helmets.

In addition:

While riders are five times more likely to sustain a critical head injury in a crash without a helmet, they also offer protection from windblast, sunburn, cold, flying objects, and hearing loss.

Additional safety gear like eye protection can reduce vision interference, and protective clothing may prevent or reduce the severity of cuts, abrasions, and bodily injury during a crash.

However you choose to ride, please do so safely.

Contact Our Motorcycle Accident Attorneys in Houston, Texas for Help

At Hollingsworth Law Firm, our Houston motorcycle accident attorneys hope you never need us, but if you or someone you love has been injured or lost their life during a crash caused by negligence in Texas, contact us today by calling (713)-637-4560 or contact us online for a free case evaluation.

Our skilled bilingual personal injury lawyers and support staff represent clients throughout Texas on a contingency basis, so you never pay any legal fees unless we win your case.

If you are ready to fight for the compensation you deserve, so are we. Let us take the lead.

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Our aggressive personal injury trial attorneys at the Hollingsworth Law Firm are committed to fighting for the compensation you deserve. If you are the victim of an automobile accidentairplane accidentworkplace injury or other catastrophic injury, you need legal advice from a personal injury attorney with proven results you can trust. Our dedicated legal team is proud to represent clients across the state of Texas. WE WILL START FIGHTING FOR YOUR RIGHTS TODAY!

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